Zorig Melong - A Technical Journal
"Vision, Innovation, Change"
ISBN: 978-99936-928-0-5
Volume I: Issue II
Comparative Study on Properties of Bitumen Hot Mix and Bitumen Emulsion Mix
Lotey Gyeltshen and Tshering Nidup
Determination of soil Type and Optimal Moisture Content for soil used for ammed earth construction in Bhutan.
Namgay Om, Kuenzang Gyeltshen and Ugyen Lama
Evaluation of Agile Construction in managing Time Delays in Bhutanese Construction Industry
Leki Wangmo, Mukas Subba and Roshan Sharma
Geotechnical investigation and rehabilitation on road distress in Phuentsholing thromde
Karma Tempa, Choki Wangmo, Phurpa Tamang, Rinchen Wangdi, Tashi Zangmo, Tenzin Norbu and Rigden Yoezer Tenzin
Impact of Air Pollution and its remedial measure at Pasakha
Tashi Choden, Tshering Cheki, Loday Jamtsho and Tshering
Interpolating Engineering Soil in terrain regions of Rinchending Using Geostatistical tool in ArcGIS
Manish Sharma, Manoj Pradhan, Pem Jigme, Sonam Choden and Cheki Dorji
Planning and Design of amusement park in Phuentsholing
Purni Maya Tamang, Jigdrel Wangmo, Dawa Dhendup and Sonam Thinley
Resource sustainability initiative (A Study on usability of recycled coarse aggregate in concrete making)
Sonam Tobgay, Karma Tshering and Tenzin Zam
Study of flood embankment deterioration of Omchhu
Ganja S. Ghalley, Karma Yuden and Mahendra Subedi
To Study the chanel Migration pattern realignment of amochhu river
Choning Dorji, Kinzang Wangdi and Kinley Jamtsho
Study of water works of Phuentsholing Thromde
Phuntsho Samdrup, Thinley Gyelmo, Kencho Tobgay and Tadashi Takahashi
Systematic Approach to Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings in Bhutan
Choten Tsheirng, Thongley and Yeshi Dorji
Parking Space Indicator
Tshering Wangmo, Thuenzang Chophel, Tenzin Lham, Karma Yuden Dorjee and Purna B Samal
Development of PC based voltage transducer
Pema Chentsho, Jigme Wangchuk and Karma Kelzang Eudon
Design of Textile based Microstrip Antennas for Body Area Network (BAN) at 2.4 GHz ISM band
Pema Choki, Ratna Bdr. Ghalley, Yonten Zangpo and Purna B. Samal
MATLAB Based testbench implementation of digital communication over an acoustic channel using OFDM
Tandin Zangmo, Choisang Shingdang, Nikey Subba, Secha Wangmo, Lobzang Norbu, Kamal Kr. Chapagai
Automatic meter reading and energy data extraction of multifunction transducer using GSM
Jambay Dorji, Tandin Bidha, Tashi Yangki, Srijana Gajmer and Karma Kelzang Eudon
Pilot Project on implementation of GSM and GPRS based smart metering system for electrical utilities at Phuentsholing region
Namgay Tenzin, Kunzang Pemo, Yonten Jamtsho, Ugyen Phuntsho, Sonam Norbu and Chador Phuntsho
Detection of potentially dangerous glacial lakes in Mangde Chhu Sub-Basin
Sanagy Tshering, Thaye Choden, Tashi Zangmo, Thsering and Arun P.V
Text to speech synthesizer for Dzongkha Language
Achyut Nepal, Cheni Zangmo, Nidup Wangmo, Sangay Choden, Yeshi Wangchuk and Kamal Kr. Chapagai
Ms.Tshering Denka, Lecturer
Science and Humaities Department
Editorial Board
Mr. Tsheten Dorji, Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages
Ms. Lily Gurung, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department
Mr. Tandin Wangchuk, Lecturer, Department if Information Technology
Mr. Purna Bdr. Samal, Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Communication
Mr. pravakar Pradhan, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering